Wednesday, April 4, 2007

B Show


TV Obsessed said...

Great job on finding and putting together such great clips. The only thing I would do differently is add some music. I think other than that it was very well done.

DANGEL said...

Hell yeah. That was a cool topic with legit concern for the show. Sometimes I fill in with my two friends that host the D-cast on Wednesday's and nobody ever calls. I think it's the station not the talent.

It was a good idea to plug your show on the blog and the editing combo and stills and moving video went along well with the dialogue.

I liked it, but the audio was really low. but I think that can be blamed on either the microphones or eyespot compression techniques. I have noticed on other videos. Mine included.

Good job, man

Sarah said...

Good work. You found good clips to match your narrative and it's nice to see someone plug their radio show on their blog. Way to use multimedia. AND you have a good voice for radio.

One way to make your already great video better would be to take pictures/video yourself. Maybe of your show or the station.

andy said...

I think you could have used more pictures of the twins. It rained last Saturday, did you get any callers??

Galactic Sounds said...

how dare you pray for rain and ruin peoples weekends for your own selfish purpose. but, i like how you used the video to plug your show and try to get some listeners. and the clips held the story together pretty well, considering how difficult that can be, that's an accomplishment in itself.

voidfiles said...

That was great, simple too the point. I loved that you try to do something with this and not just throw it away.

I agree music would have been nice, but not nescacary. If you kicked up your performance a notch it wouldn't need music.

I would have liked pictures of you in the studio like waiting for the phone to ring.

larry said...

Yeah, it sucks not being able to get on the air? Do you podcast your show? Could be an idea?

Good topic choice. It creates some exposure for the show. I bet it wasn't easy finding good visuals for it, huh. Nice work. I'm out.

Alejandro said...

Funny way to advertise your show. The clips went well, and I don't think you need music. Hope you get more listeners, now that you have made yourself a commercial.

Troublemaker said...

The video was well done, but your audio was definintly the best part. You have a very good voice, which is probably a good thing if you're on the radio.

I wish you more callers!

Benjamin S. Baker said...

Hey, good video. Sorry you are having such loneliness so far, I hope things work out. What is your show about? I think I just couldn't hear it. Really nice page too, maybe I can ask you more about it later.